Saturday, August 29, 2009

Backlinks: Are you Building Them?

There's a little something that can make or break any website. That little something happens to be Backlinks.

Backlinks are basically a link on another site linking back to your site. Ever wonder why a website directory or social boomarking site has code for you to link back to them? They know that if they get thousands of backlinks, Google or any other search engine can't help but put them at the TOP of the list.

A great start to getting backlinks on your site is by social boomarking. Social Bookmarking will give your site a quality backlink, because it's very likely to be on a site with high PR (Page Rank). Page Rank is the overall importance of the website according to Google. For instance, if you get an SEO tool for Firefox called Search Status, which happens to be free, you can view the Page Rank of each page you visit on the internet. This powerful tool also shows the Alexa Ranking (Traffic Ranking) of the site, as well as options to view incoming backlinks or inlinks on the site. The Page Rank system gives a ranking of 0-10 Page Rank with 10 being the best.

Now to go out and do some social bookmarking, you could visit the individual sites like or and go through and bookmark your pages/sites individually. This is not a great option, because it takes forever and is like pulling your teeth.

If you have a little money to spend I recommend going with Incansoft's Social Bot found here: (right now you can use the discount code word: AWESOME for half off). While it does take time to sign up to the sites through a semi-auto process, it is worth the hour or two in the end. An auto submit with this product can jumpstart your site with 40-50 backlinks quickly, to help get it off the ground running.

If you don't have the $13 to invest in Icansoft's product ($12.95 with discount code), I'd suggest checking out Onlywire and Social Marker. You can use these tools for free, but Onlywire does offer a paid option, although I recommend you get Social Bot from Icansoft if you are going to pay anything.

After that, from month to month you need to be looking for sites with High PR (a lot of forums make great options) where you can fit your url with anchor text in. Make sure the anchor text is for the keyword you are targeting. Anchor text is simply the text that makes up your link. For instance this link Shred Your Fat is anchored by the text Shred Your Fat. If I were targeting for that keyword that's how I would backlink it.

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