Saturday, August 29, 2009

Backlinks: Are you Building Them?

There's a little something that can make or break any website. That little something happens to be Backlinks.

Backlinks are basically a link on another site linking back to your site. Ever wonder why a website directory or social boomarking site has code for you to link back to them? They know that if they get thousands of backlinks, Google or any other search engine can't help but put them at the TOP of the list.

A great start to getting backlinks on your site is by social boomarking. Social Bookmarking will give your site a quality backlink, because it's very likely to be on a site with high PR (Page Rank). Page Rank is the overall importance of the website according to Google. For instance, if you get an SEO tool for Firefox called Search Status, which happens to be free, you can view the Page Rank of each page you visit on the internet. This powerful tool also shows the Alexa Ranking (Traffic Ranking) of the site, as well as options to view incoming backlinks or inlinks on the site. The Page Rank system gives a ranking of 0-10 Page Rank with 10 being the best.

Now to go out and do some social bookmarking, you could visit the individual sites like or and go through and bookmark your pages/sites individually. This is not a great option, because it takes forever and is like pulling your teeth.

If you have a little money to spend I recommend going with Incansoft's Social Bot found here: (right now you can use the discount code word: AWESOME for half off). While it does take time to sign up to the sites through a semi-auto process, it is worth the hour or two in the end. An auto submit with this product can jumpstart your site with 40-50 backlinks quickly, to help get it off the ground running.

If you don't have the $13 to invest in Icansoft's product ($12.95 with discount code), I'd suggest checking out Onlywire and Social Marker. You can use these tools for free, but Onlywire does offer a paid option, although I recommend you get Social Bot from Icansoft if you are going to pay anything.

After that, from month to month you need to be looking for sites with High PR (a lot of forums make great options) where you can fit your url with anchor text in. Make sure the anchor text is for the keyword you are targeting. Anchor text is simply the text that makes up your link. For instance this link Shred Your Fat is anchored by the text Shred Your Fat. If I were targeting for that keyword that's how I would backlink it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

JohnCow Contest

Just to let everyone know, Jason Katzenback, who runs, is having a free contest which he will be giving away 2 nice prizes.

Prize 1 is a Amazon Kindle DX. This product sales for almost $500 on, and is a real treat for anyone who likes to read online material such as blogs, newspapers, and especially ebooks. It's fantastic 3.3 GB storage and beautiful display, is perfect for reading all those PDF's you've been "meaning to read." The great thing is, you have the ability to take it anywhere, and it's not clunkly like a laptop.

Prize 2 is a link blast of a website of your choice. Why is this valuable? You can literally have a ton of incoming backlinks to a site of your choice, which will vault you up the search engine rankings. There is a lot of value in this prize too. The more organic traffic you receive, the more money you save on advertising.

First, go grab a copy of John's free ebook: Building A Business: NOT a Blog!

Then head over to his Contest and complete the steps necessary to get entered:
Jason's Free Contest

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dream Team Gold August Edition

The new month has brought a new set of downloads from Dream Team Gold. This set of downloads is impressive. There's a lot of software which address website generation, salesletter generation, and squeeze page generation.

Quite an impressive set offered from Dream Team Gold. I'm pleasantly pleased with this $5 a month subscription.

If you haven't checked it out yet, you need to: Dream Team Gold

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Dream Team Gold Club

I wasn't going to make another post today, as I am sleepy and want to go to bed :), but I've got to tell you about this.

I was browsing around the internet today when I came across Dream Team Gold. It was free, so I said what the heck and I signed up to get a few pieces of software, some ebooks & videos. Well, I fell for it, I went ahead and signed up to be a "Gold" member.

The $1 trial for the first month is what did it, but the fact that it's only $5 a month after that was enticing in itself. So I signed up, not expecting too much, but boy was I blown away!

When I entered the Gold Members area, I found at least $500 worth of software (personal & PLR), ebooks (personal & PLR), and videos (Master Resale & personal). There were premade adsense sites, PLR Articles, Themes, Headers, and quite frankly so much stuff that I was overloaded with stuff to download!

There's one piece of software on there, BP Sender that you can get and it's EASILY worth the $1 trial. This software allows you to automatically post tons of ads to (which is like Craigslist, but rising in popularity).

I was quite astonished, and the great thing is, you don't even have to sign up for the Gold Membership if you don't want to. They'll still give you free products for just simply supplying a name & email. This is far and beyond the best Product Membership site I've ever been apart of.

Check it out and tell me what you think: Dream Team Gold Club

Monday, July 20, 2009

Factors To Consider When Searching For The Greatest MLM Opportunities

Multi level marketing (MLM) may likewise be a new term for you. To give you a general idea, the term means that a certain recruitment procedure is involved to convince someone to become a part of a certain networking team. The said team will be working to gain sales.

As a member of an online MLM promotional campaign, you should try your best to distribute or sell the products electronically or by means of referring some potential clients to a certain affiliate website. If you are connected with an offline MLM business, then, you have to conduct the one-on-one approach wherein you have to meet with a potential client, talk, and convince him or her to avail of your product. It is actually simpler said than done. In truth, there are a lot of things that you have to learn if you want to become successful in any MLM opportunity that you venture in.

It is crazy to think that because MLM is a networking business, you can just sit back, relax and earn your money even with the slightest effort. It is a wrong notion. Even when you are the upline of several other people, you can't simply depend on them to sell and distribute the products. You have to constantly follow up on them, enhance their selling skills, give them the right training, and monitor their performance. All of you work as a team so it is necessary that you do your best and exert the right amount of effort to facilitate the growth and progress of the business.

You probably have one goal if you are a newbie in the network marketing industry or you are currently an active member of it. That is, to have a taste of success so you will feel that everything that you are doing is worth it. With the myriad of information circulating both online and offline, you may already be confused as to which opportunity should you grab.

If you feel this way, it is best to consider the following criteria so that you will not go wrong with your choice of an MLM opportunity:

The company's reputation. A lot of networking companies exist and they are too insistent on signing you up as a member. Take note that you must only get attached to one company that has a credible reputation as led by a sensible leader. The company should be governed by a purposeful mission and vision that is not only going to work for its own benefit but yours as well.

The training. Don't hesitate to inquire. You can ask some people in the company or some members of the downline and see how they are doing and benefiting from the promised compensation. You should know the kind of support system that you will be getting should you join the company.

Personal link with the product or service. It is impossible for you to endorse a product or a service that you don't personally believe in. The trust on the product or service must start within yourself because such feeling will motivate you to enthusiastically promote it.

The compensation package. Be sure that you inquire regarding the pros and cons of the promised compensation package.

These factors are very crucial in identifying your success in doing business with any multi level marketing company. With the right judgment, decision, and insight, your success is certain to materialize.